Warm summer days are here, meaning we have the season of playing outdoors with our furry companions. It’s the best time to spend long sunny days outdoors with our pets and further bond with them.
However, with summer fun unfolding, getting overeager may be dangerous for your little friend’s health. More exposure to the summer heat would also mean increased injuries, increased infections of the skin and ear, and an increased possibility of heatstroke. With some simple precautions, you can protect your pets from these dangers.
Summer Safety Tips You Should Be Aware of
Enhance your summer-fun experience and bonding with your beloved pets by following these must-dos, and your babies are good to go!
Provide Plenty of Shade and Water
Dehydration is one of the common conditions in dogs and cats during summer. Your dog gets much thirstier than you do during summer. If you notice drying gums or excessive drooling, it’s a sign that your pet is thirsty.
Ensure that your pets have constant and easy access to clean and fresh water at home. Even when you go out, you should bring a bottle of water for them. Switch to wet foods during the hotter months to increase your pet’s fluid intake.
While your dogs and cats may love a sunbathing session, you must keep them in the shade as often as possible. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight might overheat them and may lead to heatstroke.
Also, Read- 7 Useful Tips on How to Care for a Senior Dog
Protect Your Pet’s Paws from Hot Surfaces
Remember that time when you tried walking barefoot on dry sand or concrete? Ah, that burn! Your buddy’s paws are sensitive too. Always take them out for their exercise and walk session early in the morning or late evening.
When taking them out for play, avoid walking them on hotter surfaces like asphalt, concrete, sand, etc. It would be best to walk them on grass or other cooler surfaces. Walking on warm surfaces would cause blisters on their paws. It will also increase their body temperature as their body heats from the bottom up.
Never Leave Them Alone in a Parked Vehicle
The inside of the car can heat to a hundred degrees within a few minutes, and it hardly takes 10 minutes for the dogs to get a heatstroke. So even if you are going out for a few minutes, do not leave your pets alone in the car. If it is utterly important, you might leave them in there for a few minutes with the air conditioner turned on. However, you must avoid it. In about 16 states that have specified ‘hot car’ laws, it is even illegal.
Keep an Eye for the Signs
The normal temperature of a dog is between 100° and 103°F, and that of a cat ranges between 100.4º and 102.5ºF. Anything higher than these temperatures implies that your pet is in danger. Your cats and dogs do not sweat the way you do. To bring down their body temperatures, they drink water or pant. Look out for the following signs of overheating:
- Heavy panting
- Dry or bright red gums
- Thick drool
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Wobbly legs
If you notice any of these signs, take your pet to a cooler place, give them water to drink, and put a damp cloth on their body. It would help bring down the body temperature. Do not put them in water as this might shock them.
Apply Sunscreens
Yes, you heard it right. Pets need sunscreens just as much as we do. They are prone to sunburns too; specifically, the ones with short or light hair coats. If you have a day out planned with your furry friend, apply sunscreen every 3 to 4 hours, especially to the least covered areas like the nose, ears, and belly.
Also, only use sunscreens that are designed particularly for pets. The ones for humans might have some components that can be harmful to the pets and may induce emergencies. Check out Petscreen SPF23 Sunscreen For Dogs & Cats. It provides broad-spectrum protection from UVA and UVB rays.
Don’t Shave Your Pets
While shaving your dog or cat might look like one of the best ideas to prevent overheating, that’s not the case. The hair on their coat keeps them warm during winter and cool during the summer. You may trim their hair, but leave a full inch to protect them from sunburns. Also, irrespective of the season, never miss their grooming sessions.
Keep a Check on Possible Parasites
The parasites like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc. love these warmer months just as much as you or your pet buddies do. They are practically found almost everywhere during these months and bring with them tapeworms, heartworms, and diseases such as Lyme or Bartonella. Make sure you are consistent with their fleas, ticks, or worms treatments and preventions during these days.
Try Simparica Trio for dogs to protect them against heartworm diseases, flea, and tick infestations, and to control intestinal nematodes like roundworms and hookworms.
This summer, say yes to fun time and quality bonding by taking these simple precautionary measures before you go out in the sun. Just a little care on your part can work wonders in keeping your little buddies safe, and add so much to their entertainment session!